Orphan Shade has a very unique model. The model allows the extended family, the community and the local church to play keys roles in raising these children. The image above reflects the key stakeholders involved in raising children in our homes. The paragraphs below summarize the involvement of each stakeholder group.
The local church will be represented by a pastor with responsibility over the house parents and the children. The local pastor plays an essential role in collaborating and facilitating all the relationships locally as well as Orphan Shade in Blantyre, Malawi. The pastor will be responsible for coordinating with the village chief in order to maintain protection and support for the children. The pastor will also coordinate and maintain the relationship with the local extended family.
The extended family includes grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. One of our key objectives is to maintain the relationship between the child and their extended family. This will be facilitated by involving family in the life of the children. As an example, children will be able to spend time on weekends and school holidays with their families.
The local village represents tribal culture. Each village has local leadership in the form of a chief. The chief is responsible for village land, policing (the law) and local development. We will depend on the local chief for a land donation to build a home. In addition, the chief needs to be onboard and engaged to successfully deliver our model in a sustainable fashion.
Orphan Shade operates through two different entities. The U.S. entity conducts fundraising to build operate the homes. The U.S. entity will also provide oversight via a board. The Malawi entity oversees daily operations in the country of Malawi. It is managed by a local board of trustees that includes operational directors.
Last, but not least, the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Welfare is the government ministry that has regulatory oversight over orphan children. A local/regional social worker from the ministry will participate in identification, background checking and psychological testing of potential children. The social worker will also conduct audits of each home and ensure that the children are being cared for and protected to the government standard.
All these constituents must work together in order for the Orphan Shade model to be sustainable and deliver Godly and well adjusted children. We will put in place needed governance and rules in order to support the mission and ensure its success.