Orphan Shade was birthed as a shared vision of Pastor Prince Kampomo and Jay Schierloh in 2016. The two developed a friendship after meeting at Church Project and in a House Church that meets in Jay & Stacey’s home in Texas. A conversation began about the challenges that double orphans face in rural tribal villages in southern Malawi.

Prince invited Jay to come to Malawi in 2016 to minister in various church plants, visit large institutional orphanages and to experience the warm heart of Africa. During that trip, they drove over 1,500 miles (2,400 kilometers), visited 9 village church plants and 5 institutional orphanages in 8 days on the ground. God led them to a ministry vision that meets a significant need, is consistent with the word of God (care for the widows and orphans) and is a very unique delivery model in Malawi.


  • Visited Malawi
  • Founded Orphan Shade
  • Initiated 501(c)(3) US entity
  • Registered in Malawi as nonprofit & NGO
  • Purchased land in Pangeti Village
  • Build home in Pangeti Village
  • Conducted grand opening
  • New family moved in Nov.
  • Operate Pangeti home
  • Construct 2nd home in Chipolopolo
  • Opened Chipolopolo home
  • Built home #3 in Mdeka

our vision

Raise a generation to change a nation

Raise young orphans to be fearless pastors, evangelists, teachers, business leaders and politicians that will influence and drive positive change locally, the southern region, and the nation of Malawi.

We are playing the long game to transform the lives of hopeless children into God-fearing men and women in one of the poorest countries in the world.

our partner

Orphan Shade is partnered with Faith Works Dynamite Church (FWDC) based in Blantyre, Malawi. The church was founded by Pastor Prince Kampomo over 15 years ago. Pastor Kampomo and his team have planted many churches in rural tribal villages in the southern region of Malawi. The church operates as a network of tribal village churches.

FWDC volunteers are the unsung heroes of the Orphan Shade ministry. They canvass door to door to identify the tribal village orphans. They travel long distances to deliver food, supplies and medicine for the children. They conduct weekly sessions with the children to teach them the word of God. The volunteers rebuilt a foster home outhouse after heavy flooding destroyed the original. They leave their home and family and move 75 miles to become the parents of 8 young orphan girls in an unfamiliar village.

The sustainability of the Orphan Shade ministry and delivery model is based on our partnership and collaboration with FWDC.

Orphan Shade Impact to the Pangeti Church

Our model

We partner with a growing church network in southern Malawi to equip the local tribal village church to rescue double orphans, build a home, create a new family, introduce the gospel, and to make a difference in their village, region, and country.
Our model is sustained by people who have great compassion and care for the children as an extension of ministry from the local village church.
We intend to repeat and scale this model across many rural villages in the southern region of Malawi.
  • Select village church
    Select mature church in the network and establish a relationship with the headman
  • Land
    Identify and negotiate available land through local pastor and obtain approval from village headman
  • Construction
    Sign contract with builder and have a groundbreaking ceremony before building the new family home
  • Recruit
    Recruit double orphans from the village and then recruit parent from the local church network
  • Prepare
    Furnish the home, train pastor and parents, prepare the village church, and introduce the gospel to the orphans
  • Open
    The big event, facilitate transition of the new family and preach the gospel to all

our founders

Jay (AKA Abusa Jay) and Stacey (AKA Mum Abusa) Schierloh are Co-Founders and Directors of Orphan Shade. They have been married for 39 years, and have three adult children and five grand children.

Jay & Stacey split time between home base in Houston, TX, visiting family across the U.S. and time in Blantyre, Malawi. The purpose of their presence in Malawi is to work with FWDC to see the Orphan Shade achieve the ultimate vision.

Pastor Kampomo is a Co-Founder and director of Orphan Shade. He is also the founder and lead pastor of Faith Works Dynamite Church (FWDC).

The pastor is engaged to be married to his fiancé Susan. They have been engaged to each other for about 5 years. They plan to travel and minister together as they continue to advance the kingdom in southern Malawi.

Our Stakeholders

Essential to executing our ministry model

The graphic below illustrates our ministry stakeholders. There are many people and groups involved that make Orphan Shade function. All the participants, except for M’Bandakucha Builders are volunteers in this mission.