Naomi Returns
Naomi left for school together early in the morning with her sisters on Friday November 10th, 2023. That morning was a cloudy day. The girls usually walk together in a group to and from school. When classes were over on her way home Naomi met a 14 years old girl who told her that she had a good news for her. The girl claimed to be her older sister. The two girls disappeared into the forest. They traveled together in a canoe across the Shire (Shear-A) river to Mozambique. They stayed with a man who claimed to be a relative of her deceased father. However, it did not appear to be a close relationship.
The other girls (OSM girls) upon arrival at home, reported the incident to the parents but it sounded like it will take a couple minutes for her to be home.
People in Pangeti heard about Naomi’s disappearance. The story was spread across the village and beyond. Many villagers began to complain about the church’s inability to keep our children safe. The complaining quickly turned into to anger. Pastor Kausiwa is the leader of the village church and has oversight over our foster family.
I was advised by Prince after the fact that the village was known for burning people who did something wrong. Prince indicated that villagers began to recommend that Pastor Kausiwa be burned alive. He wrote in one his WhatsApp messages, “The pastor on fire.” Needless to say I was very concerned
The incident was reported to the Paster and pastor reported to board. The pastor was ordered to consult her known guardian , upon arrival at the house, the Naomi was not there. They searched to all close and known relatives and friends, but Naomi was no where to be found.The Pastor On Fire.
The relatives of Naomi turned on the pastor. They said, "You took our daughter and promise protect and provide." They said, "The pastor was in trouble."

Two days after the two girls arrived in Mozambique, the 14 year old girl disappeared. Naomi was left with this unknown man. She was subsequently dropped off at another house and told to wait. Naomi was not offered food for over 3 months. She eventually ran away and received assistance from others to get to the bank of the Shire river. Naomi was brought across the river by two kind fishermen at 4am on February 27th.

Naomi arrived in Pangeti very dirty, lost much weight (see the pictures) and was very disoriented. She cleaned up and consumed a large quantity of food for an 11 year old. The parents and Members of our Board of Trustees were there to welcome her home and pray for her.
Naomi was taken to Blantyre to recooperate and receive a medical checkup. We hope to return her to her home is a few weeks.
To God be the glory that Naomi is alive and home with her family.This was the hand of almighty God, it could have been waste. Please extend thanks to those that stood with us in prayer. Please pray for her adjustment back home and for her healing from the additional trauma she experienced over the last 3 1/2 months.
Agnes is still missing. We have ongoing discussions with her family. Please pray for her safe return