Chipolopolo girls get ready to move in to their new home

A team from Blantyre drove about4 hours to the Chipolopolo village. The purpose of the journey is to pick up the recently selected girls and return to Blantyre. There was a group of children (mostly orphans) waiting to welcome the team to the village.
The journey is a multi-purpose trip to prepare the new family. First, the new family will get to know each other in a semi-controlled environment. Second, the girls will be introduced to the gospel. Third, each child will receive a medical checkup. Fourth and finally, the girls and women of the church will go on a shopping trip to buy underwear, dresses and shoes.
Unfortunately, only 6 of 8 eight girls could participate in the trip. Two of the girls were very ill in the village and were not able to travel.

The girls arrived in Blantyre on Saturday and are staying with one of the church leaders.

On Sunday the girls were the stars of the show. The children in the Blantyre church welcomed them with open arms. One of the girls was handed a microphone from the front of the church. The girls started right into a song.

The girls were taken for medical checkups on Monday. They were a bit nervous as they have never seen a doctor before. The physician reported that they are all malnourished (no surprise) and four of the girls have worms. Deworming medication was acquired from the local pharmacy and the 4 girls started their first dose Monday evening.