Dora's Story

Theodora was born into a family which lacked resources to feed, cloth, and educate. At the age of 8, she lost both of her parents. The parent's property was seized by family members. This is common in Malawi culture. She was left wondering how she lost both her parents in such a short period of time.

Theodora went to stay with an aunt. She passed through hell in the hands of her aunt. The worst thing was that everyone around her knew her situation. People treated her badly because they knew no one would come protect her.

She was working as a house girl (maid) in her Aunt’s house. She felt badly because she did not understand the reason for violence. She was then chased away by her Aunt because she couldn’t manage to do all the work serving as a maid.

She went to live with her grandmother in the village. The grandmother was very poor and struggled to meet even the most basic of needs.

Theodora lost all hope. The only thing she wanted from her life was to take her back in time to the days when her parents were close to her and when she used to go to school excited to get an education. She wanted to relive those days when she had no pain or worries stopping her from playing with her friends. She wanted to be surrounded by people who could look after her and cared for her well being just like her old times.

Theodora said, "Orphan Shade is a place of refuge for her. I sleep in a warm bed and eat regularly three times a day." She continued, "in Orphan shade home every one is treated equally, and they are given everthing they need like clothes and other things".

During a visit this summer, Pastor Jay and Moma Stacey introduced the nickname, Dora. They described the cartoon, "Dora the Explorer". The nickname stuck.

She is thankful to Orphan Shade for giving her hope and opportunity that her dreams of becoming a nurse will come true.

Finally, Dora has a praying family in the U.S. through our Kulera Mwana (Adopt a Child) programs The family prays regularly for Dora's past present and future.