Welcome to Lasken and Mtendere
Please welcome Lasken Vigaro and Mtendere Chiwambo to the Orphan Shade Digital Media team. Both young men attend the Faith Works Dynamite Church HQ and are college students in Blantyre. Lasken is studying Commmunity Development and Mtendere is studying Digital Technology.

They have both demonstrated a passion for the impact that the Orphan Shade ministry will deliver. They have already made multiple trips to the Mpangeti village to take photos and video of the candidate girls for Foster Home #1.

Lasken and Mtendere will play a key role in the capture and creation of digital media content to share on our blog, social media and email newsletters. They will visit the children, house parents and local pastors in various villages to perform interviews, capture images of events and write about their experiences. They will convert the content captured into shareable digital media for Orphan Shade.
We have recently been blessed with a donation targeted for technology. We used the funds to purchase two new laptop computers. The laptops will be given to Lasken and Mtendere as tools to perform digital media work. We will deliver the laptops to these young men when we (the Schierloh’s) travel to Malawi later this year.
I am looking forward to working with these guys. Their time and talent will take some of the marketing load off of me. You will soon see the fruit of their labor in future blog posts and other media.