Prince Kampomo told me an unbelievable story of deception, lies and intrigue about our family home in the Pangeti village.

Pangeti home

A local pastor (Let’s call him Pastor X) unaffiliated with our partner church purchased land across the road from the Pangeti home. They intended on building a church. This caused a stir in the communit. Prince met with the Pastor X to ask him to buy property elsewhere.  Prince also offered to help him buy an alternative property. Pastor X was determined to build a church across the “road” from our family.

Our new neighbors began construction of a church acros the road. Prince indicated that the builder was materials (homemade bricks)

Abusa (Pastor) Kausiwa - Pastor of the Pangeti village church

Pastor X then attempted to develop a relationship with Pastor Kausiwa of the village FWDC church. Pastor Kausiwa has oversight over the foster family. Pastor X gave him a gift of a goat’s rear leg. Pastor Kausiwa received the meat and family had a feast.

One day Pastor X and his team came to the Orphan Shade house and asked for a tour. They said they were looking for ideas for their home. He said that they are planNing to build a home for orphans on their property. Pastor Kausiwa agreed and let them tour and take pictures of the home.

Several months later, a group from Brazil came to visit Pastor X. Pastor Kausiwa, Bishop and Susan happened to be there that day. The visitors parked their cars on the road and were looking proudly at our home. They were smiling. They apparently asked the pastor if they could enter our home. He alledefly told them not now. The visitors were visibly frustrated. They walked back and forth on the road. Our team was waiting for someone to come to the door. They never came. The visitors got back into their cars and departed.

We learned subsequently that Pastor X had sent pictures of our home to the group in Brazil. They had misrepresented that our home belonged to them and it was built with the Brazilian donor’s money. Wow! I was shocked.

A week or so later, a large storm came through the area. Most of the church structure crumbled from the strong winds (see photo).

What remains of the church across the road

Prince later met with Pastor X in his house. Pastor X asked for Prince’s forgiveness for his bad decisions and misrepresentation.  Prince forgave him. What a story.

This is Malawi.