2021 Accomplishments
Orphan Shade had a productive year in 2021 despite the COVID-19 slowdown. We built our first foster home in Mpangeti, selected eight double orphans from the village to live in the home, selected house parents to raise the children and will open the home by November.

Key impacts we have seen in 2021 in Mpangeti are:
- Eight double orphans now have a family home, a hope and a future
- Two M’Bandakucha workers received salvation during construction
- The local church began evangelizing door to door in the village
- Approximately 20 people received salvation during early construction of the home
- A chief from a neighboring village came to Christ after learning the home is connected with the Mpangeti church
- Village men and women earned short term income by carrying sand and water from the river to support construction
- Two men from the village were trained on making cement blocks

The measurable impact has given us a sense of urgency to pick up the pace in 2022. Therefore in 2022, we plan to:
- Open and operate the Mpangeti home
- Purchase land and build two additional homes in new villages
- Build chicken coops and buy hybrid chicks to raise for meat and eggs
- Procure a used 4WD SUV in Malawi to accommodate off road transportation
- Provide Chichewa language bibles to the 3 village churches
- Leverage lessons learned from the Mpangeti home in order to standardize our operating approach (operating manual)
- Develop video training content to standardize roles of house parents and local pastor
Please prayerfully consider making a donation or a pledge towards our 2022 objectives by December 31st. You can donate by EFT (electronic fund transfer) online or by a physical check. The donation link and address are below:
Orphan Shade
3647 Blue Lake Dr.
Spring, TX. 77388

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